First off, another big thanks to the Explorers Club who awarded me the Exploration Fund grant for the third year in a row. This grant will help me examining the role of the Bogert effect in Plethodon jordani.
The first couple days in Georgia have been pretty uneventful as I have been visiting low elevation sites. Also, since this is my first time visiting all of these sites I have needed to explorer a bit. I have yet to find any salamanders; however, after learning my lesson last year, I have set up protocol for collecting species diversity and general microhabitat data. So no salamanders, but I still have data. I have also found a couple fun herps, including a worm snake (Carphophis amoenus) and an eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina).
I am more optimistic for the next two sites I am visiting because one of them is a known site for the recently described patch nosed salamander (Urspelerpes brucei) and the other site seems to be in a more remote area. I am hoping the next couple days will produce some nice Georgia salamanders!